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Cell Viability

Cell viability is a key parameter of interest in many applications in both industry and academia. Yeast cells, for example, are utilized in applications that span protein manufacturing, medical research in genetics, and of course, consumer products. While numerous methods of assessing cell viability exist, most require a staining protocol, which is often time-consuming and unreliable.

Our novel approach to measuring cell viability with Total Holographic Characterization (THC) on xSight offers a fast, reliable, and label-free alternative to existing dye exclusion assays.

cell viability pipettes

Label-Free and Automated Method of Distinguishing Live and Dead Yeast Cells with Total Holographic Characterization (THC)

Changes in refractive index upon cell death allow xSight to easily distinguish live and dead yeast cells without staining and manual counting.

yeast data

xSight measurements are consistent with the trypan blue staining exclusion assay:

trypan blue staining exclusion assay
budding yeast

Fresh Branching budding yeast

Contact us for more information on how Spheryx can help with your cell viability measurements.

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